UPDATED: Flooding follows Ottawa thunderstorm warnings

UPDATED: Flooding follows Ottawa thunderstorm warnings

Sudden downpours flooded parts of Ottawa Monday evening, leaving some streets swamped as storms rumbled through the region. Videos on social media showed torrential scenes in the Glebe and near Lansdowne. Marilyn Journeaux, Director, Water Services-Linear with the city of Ottawa, said in a statement Wednesday afternoon following the storm that the city was “not aware of any flooding occurring on private property due to Monday’s heavy rainfalls.” “Monday’s severe storm delivered heavy rainfalls in our city in a short time, posing a risk of overwhelming the city’s storm sewer system and causing flooding to nearby properties,” Jorneaux said. “In order to safeguard residents’ properties and address these concerns, the city has diligently worked on enhancing our drainage system over the past two decades, incorporating infrastructure modifications into its design.

Tantramar historic dike system an engineering masterpiece, historian says

Tantramar historic dike system an engineering masterpiece, historian says

Driving along the back roads of the Tantramar marsh on the border of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, you can witness a vast expanse of grass and farmland — but that wasn't always the case. The only reason that area of the Isthmus of Chignecto looks the way it does is because of an engineering marvel that dates back almost 400 years to the 1630s. James Upham, a Moncton historian and educator, says the dikes and aboiteaux built by the Acadians are what made the roads, railways and communities along the marsh possible.

Action needed as Canada loses nearly 300 football fields of grasslands daily

Action needed as Canada loses nearly 300 football fields of grasslands daily

Canada’s iconic Prairie grasslands are in peril, but the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has sprung into action to try to save the vital ecosystems. Its Prairie Grasslands Action Plan proposes to conserve more than 500,000 hectares (more than 5,000 square kilometres) by 2030 —- six times the size of Calgary. In a recent interview with The Weather Network, Jeremy Hogan, NCC's director of prairie grassland conservation, said only 18 per cent of Canada's original grasslands remain. "We have taken the grasslands for granted a little bit. They're one of our most productive ecosystems in terms of food production, but also services like water storage, filtration [and] preventing droughts and floods," said Hogan.

Freight train carrying hot asphalt, molten sulfur plunges into Yellowstone River as bridge fails

Freight train carrying hot asphalt, molten sulfur plunges into Yellowstone River as bridge fails

The train cars were carrying hot asphalt and molten sulfur, Stillwater County Disaster and Emergency Services said. Officials shut down drinking water intakes downstream while they evaluated the danger after the 6 a.m. accident. An Associated Press reporter witnessed a yellow substance coming out of some of the tank cars. David Stamey, the county's chief of emergency services, said there was no immediate danger for the crews working at the site, and the hazardous material was being diluted by the swollen river. There were three asphalt cars and four sulfur cars in the river.

Weather, conservation agencies warn heavy rainfall can bring flash floods throughout GTA Social Sharing

Weather, conservation agencies warn heavy rainfall can bring flash floods throughout GTA Social Sharing

Heavy rainfall and isolated thunderstorms are expected to hit pockets throughout the GTA Saturday, which can bring about flash floods, water pools on roads and localized flooding in low-lying areas, Environment Canada warns. The federal weather agency says 50 to 75 millimetres of rain is possible in areas as far west as Guelph to east beyond Kingston. Heavy showers have already begun and are expected to continue on and off throughout the day, with a forecasted end this evening.

How wildfires can have a devastating, long-term impact on nearby water supplies

How wildfires can have a devastating, long-term impact on nearby water supplies

Some researchers thought her team wouldn't even be able to detect an impact from the fires because the Athabasca River was already looking like tea before the fires. Heavy rains tend to send hot fudge-looking runoff from the land into the river, making it look like chocolate milk, she said. Arriving after the fires, Emelko said she could see that hot fudge-looking flow enter the Athabasca's waters as ash, likely carrying nutrients like phosphorous and carbon, made the water supply challenging for treatment processes. "Those [workers] were living in the water treatment plant, working hard to make sure that people could return to their homes and at least have safe water to drink," Emelko told Day 6 host Brent Bambury.

3M to pay at least $10.3B to settle 'forever chemical' drinking water lawsuits in U.S.

3M to pay at least $10.3B to settle 'forever chemical' drinking water lawsuits in U.S.

Chemical manufacturer 3M Co. will pay at least $10.3 billion to settle lawsuits over contamination of many U.S. public drinking water systems with potentially harmful compounds used in firefighting foam and a host of consumer products, the company said Thursday. The deal would compensate water providers for pollution with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known collectively as PFAS — a broad class of chemicals used in nonstick, water- and grease-resistant products such as clothing and cookware.

Ottawa, Yellowknives Dene sign procurement framework agreement for Giant Mine cleanup

Ottawa, Yellowknives Dene sign procurement framework agreement for Giant Mine cleanup

"The Dene people are committed to good relations with our land, water, plants, and animals," N'dilo Yellowknives Dene First Nation Chief Fred Sangris said in a statement. "The participation of Yellowknives Dene businesses in remediating the former Giant Mine site fits within these values. It offers increased opportunities for skills-building to our young people that they can take with them as they build their careers."

B.C. warns of summer drought and asks people to conserve water

B.C. warns of summer drought and asks people to conserve water

The British Columbia government is urging people to save water, saying the forecast predicts drought across much of the province this summer. A statement from the Forests Ministry says recent rains have provided some relief in parts of B.C., but it hasn't been enough to make up the deficit. B.C.'s drought map shows much of the northeastern corner of the province is at drought level four on the five-level scale, meaning conditions are extremely dry, with communities and ecosystems likely to experience adverse impacts.

Critics of proposed Manitoba silica sand mine applaud environmental report that casts doubt on project safety Social Sharing

Critics of proposed Manitoba silica sand mine applaud environmental report that casts doubt on project safety Social Sharing

"The commission does not have sufficient confidence that the level of risk posed to an essential source of drinking water for the region has been adequately defined," reads a section of the 105-page document released by the Clean Environment Commission, an arms-length provincial agency mandated to provide advice and recommendations to Manitoba's environment minister. "The mining approach proposed by Sio Silica does have merit if the risks posed to the quality of water in the affected aquifers can be better defined and the management of those risks can be adequately addressed."

Property owner learns a hard lesson on insurance against water damage

Property owner learns a hard lesson on insurance against water damage

In early December, while the property was unoccupied, Morgan’s real estate agent phoned him to advise that the house had been damaged as a result of a burst water connection to a second-floor toilet. Co-operators investigated the claim and denied coverage. The company’s position was that there was no insurance coverage for water damage after the property was vacant for more than five days, and there was no insurance at all for any loss if the dwelling was vacant for more than 30 consecutive days.

"Anticipate challenging conditions": Jasper warns visitors after 70 cm of snow

"Anticipate challenging conditions": Jasper warns visitors after 70 cm of snow

On Monday, the park received up to 100 mm of precipitation in some areas, falling as both snow and rain. The high-elevation areas, such as the Skyline trail, received an estimated snow accumulation of up to 70 cm, while lower elevations experienced lesser amounts. The heavy snowfall resulted in widespread tree damage, making travel conditions on trails challenging and, in some cases, impassable, with Parks Canada having to rescue dozens of people who were left stranded in some areas.

Canada clamps down on cruise liners dumping sewage, outlines big fines

Canada clamps down on cruise liners dumping sewage, outlines big fines

Canada on Friday banned cruise ships from dumping sewage and dirty water close to shore and said it would impose fines of up to C$250,000 ($190,000) for offending vessels. A range of anti-pollution measures introduced on a voluntary basis in April 2022 will become obligatory with immediate effect, Transport Minister Omar Alghabra said in a statement.

Saskatoon woman handed $33k water bill from the city

Saskatoon woman handed $33k water bill from the city

Mike Voth, the city's director of corporate revenue said the unfortunate situation is a combination of yearslong unnoticed water leak and a lack of access to the property. For roughly four years, the property was on an automatic billing cycle based on estimated usage, not actual water usage during that time. Once the city worker plugged in the new numbers, the difference between the paid amounts and the actual usage was realized. The culprit seems to be an upstairs toilet that was leaking for potentially years. Nguyen called a plumber and had the small leak fixed in roughly 15 minutes. "It's quite amazing what a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week leak, how much water can be used or consumed in this case," Voth said."Over the course of several years, unfortunately, that's the gap between what was billed and paid for and what was actually passing through the meter and being used."

Ontario bans 'floating homes' from overnight stays on lakes

Ontario bans 'floating homes' from overnight stays on lakes

The province's ban will prohibit the floating homes from staying overnight on public waterways. The restrictions will take effect on July 1, according to a regulation posted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. The ban will only apply to what the province calls "floating accommodations," defined in the regulation as floating structures designed primarily for residential purposes and not primarily for navigation. Sailboats, houseboats, cabin cruisers or other traditional watercraft are not prohibited from overnight stays.

Farmers raise alarm over polluted water flowing in from Canada

Farmers raise alarm over polluted water flowing in from Canada

"We’re right on the border," said Fred Likkel, the executive director of Whatcom Family Farmers—pointing to parallel roads, which represent the border on a remote stretch of road near Double Ditch Stream. "There’s no other answer than it’s coming directly from Canada." The stream Likkel is standing alongside is one of five main drainages that originate in Bristish Columbia and flow into Washington, all draining into the Nooksack River and eventually downstream to Portage Bay and the Lummi Nation’s primary shellfish growing areas.

Ducks Unlimited Canada celebrates land donation that protects critical salt marsh habitat and guards against sea-level rise

Ducks Unlimited Canada celebrates land donation that protects critical salt marsh habitat and guards against sea-level rise

Salt marshes are rich in biodiversity, serving as shelter for young wildlife such as lobster and salmon, and provide waterfowl and other birds with abundant habitat. This critical habitat also helps form a natural barrier that slows wave action and reduces storm surges that can result in floods, impacting the waterfowl, wildlife, and people who call these places home.

New Funding Available for Manitoba Agriculture Producers and Processors to Support Sustainability Initiatives and Food Safety Improvements

New Funding Available for Manitoba Agriculture Producers and Processors to Support Sustainability Initiatives and Food Safety Improvements

The Water Use Efficiency stream provides funding for projects that help reduce the amount of water used by agri-processors in production and sanitation processes, treatment of wastewater prior to being disposed or returned to the municipal system or to the recovery of nutrients from wastewater. This funding aligns with the Manitoba government’s Water Management Strategy, which guides future actions, decisions and investments to protect the province’s water resources and ecosystems while sustainably growing the economy and communities. Funding is available for up to 50 per cent of the project cost, up to a maximum of $250,000 per project.

Northern Sask. Grade 11 student earns national recognition for research on blue-green algae in lakes

Northern Sask. Grade 11 student earns national recognition for research on blue-green algae in lakes

It was widely believed that cyanobacteria wasn't in lakes far north in Saskatchewan because the water was too cold, but a Grade 11 student at the Clearwater River Dene School is disproving those theories. Ava Haynes' research on cyanobacteria — also known as blue-green algae — in lakes near her home community in northwestern Saskatchewan earned her a Bronze Excellence Award at the Canada-Wide Science Fair in Edmonton last month.

Water flow in Alberta is 'exceptionally low' this year and could pose challenges for fish

Water flow in Alberta is 'exceptionally low' this year and could pose challenges for fish

Lorne Fitch, a longtime fisheries biologist and former adjunct professor at the University of Calgary, is often checking out the headwaters of the Oldman River. "It's been an interesting view of a year that doesn't seem to follow anything that resembles a normal pattern," Fitch said. In Alberta, June typically brings high levels of rain, which hasn't been the case this year. Snowpacks also disappeared, on average, about a month earlier than they would have in a normal year, according to Paul Christensen, a senior fisheries biologist with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas.