SDWF Editorials
Experts will write editorials in order to educate engineers, health officials, politicians and the general public about drinking water quality issues and solutions. Please send any comments or questions you have regarding these articles to Nicole Hancock at These experts would like to hear from you and begin a conversation.
Asbestos Cement Water Pipes and the Potential Risk of Ingested Asbestos
Julian Branch
Published February 17, 2021
Students Taking Action
Nicole Hancock
Published January 12, 2015
Plastic water bottles strung across cafeteria at Horton High School
Hydraulic Fracturing
Danielle Coore, Shea Caughlin, and Andrea Olive
Published August 27, 2014
Safe Drinking Water Foundation Educational Programs: Purpose and Results
Nicole Hancock
Published January 6, 2014
First Nations and Source Water Protection
Dr. Robert Patrick
Published June 18, 2013
Biological Water Treatment is the Solution
Dr. Hans Peterson
Published April 18, 2013
Biologically treated (left) and untreated (right) Yellow Quill groundwater
Poor Quality Raw Waters Need More than Chemical Treatment
Dr. Hans Peterson
Published December 21, 2012
A cut up RO membrane showing uniform layers of manganese oxidizing bacteria
Les eaux brutes de pauvre qualité ont besoin plus que traitement chimique
Dr. Hans Peterson
Publié le 21 décembre 2012
La source d'eau brute de Yellow Quill (à gauche) et l'eau brute de Saskatoon recueillis le même jour
My Road Back
Dr. Hans Peterson
Published October 1, 2012
The content of dissolved organic material in Saddle Lake water is so high that during windy days the water is literally becoming like whipped cream. I have never seen this of the magnitude that is happening there.
Mon chemin de retour
Dr. Hans Peterson
Publié le 1 octobre 2012
Le contenu de carbone organique dissous en l’eau de Saddle Lake est autant que pendant les journées venteuses l’eau devient littéralement comme crème fouettée. Je n’ai jamais vu ceci de la magnitude on voit à Saddle Lake.