Lesson 5: Make Your Own Water Pollution

Lesson 5: Make Your Own Water Pollution

Students will experiment with different types of water pollution to see first hand how pollution affects water. Students will begin to develop an understanding of the economic impact of water pollution. Students will develop a water filter diagram to demonstrate the difficulties associated with cleaning polluted water.

Lesson 6: To Filter or Not to Filter

Lesson 6: To Filter or Not to Filter

Students will construct a water filter in order to understand the complexity of cleaning polluted waters. Students will also develop an understanding of the complex economics regarding water cleanup and the differences in available resources among different countries.

Price Tags for Filter Materials

Price Tags for Filter Materials

Price tags for filter materials for Lesson 6 of Operation Water Pollution. Price tags for 2 litre pop bottle, 1 cup fine sand, 1 cup coarse sand, 1 cup fine gravel, 1 cup coarse gravel, 1 cup activated carbon, 1 cotton ball/piece of cotton batting, 1 piece of cheese cloth/coffee filter, 1 rubber band, and 1 clear cup.

Teacher Discussion Questions for Exercise in Filtering Polluted Water

Teacher Discussion Questions for Exercise in Filtering Polluted Water

1. Was there any difference in the water for each group before it was filtered?
Yes there was: the urban communities rely on having good source water (fairly clean, little to no contaminants). The rural and aboriginal communities often get what the urban communities don’t want and therefore they often have poor quality source water.

Water Pollution Exercises PowerPoint Presentation

Water Pollution Exercises PowerPoint Presentation

Water Pollution... and how to clean it up! Experiment with different types of water pollution. Make your own water filter. What are the 3 groups of pollution? Hydrocarbons: Gas, oil, etc., Dissolved substances: Chemicals, fertilizers, medicines, Solids: Plastic water bottles, garbage, etc.

Reversing the Effects of Pollution

Reversing the Effects of Pollution

70% of the earth is covered by water but only 2% is drinkable, fresh water One litre of wastewater pollutes about eight litres of freshwater. There is an estimated 12,000 km³ of polluted fresh water worldwide

Reversing Water Pollution PowerPoint Presentation with Blanks

Reversing Water Pollution PowerPoint Presentation with Blanks

Reversing Water Pollution: PowerPoint presentation with blanks. How is polluted water cleaned? Not easy to reverse the effects of water pollution. It can be very expensive too. There are 2 common ways to fix pollution... what would they be??

Reversing Water Pollution PowerPoint Presentation Without Blanks

Reversing Water Pollution PowerPoint Presentation Without Blanks

Reversing Water Pollution Water Facts: 70% of the Earth is covered by water but only 2% is drinkable, fresh water, one litre of wastewater pollutes about eight litres of freshwater, it's estimated that there is 12,000 km^3 of freshwater worldwide.