test strips

Total Chlorine Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

Total Chlorine Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

To determine the total chlorine concentration in your local drinking water. Find two different locations (drinking water fountain, tap water from the gym etc.) and sample the water into cups provided, label the cups from where the water came before you sample.    

Copper Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Copper Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Copper is naturally present in the environment, but the levels of contamination can be increased around agricultural land (manure spreading), near smelting facilities, and phosphate fertilizer plants, there is also significant amounts of copper released from wastewater treatment plants. The copper piping in most buildings that we consume water from also can contribute to our intake, depending on the corrosiveness of the water. 

Nitrate Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Nitrate Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

There are many negative health effects related to Nitrate, some of which include blood deficiencies, thyroid problems, decreased vitamin A, and cancer. It is, however, rare that nitrate levels are above the Canadian Water Quality Guideline for drinking water. Contaminated private wells are likely the most common place where high levels of nitrate are found.