Elementary School

Operation Water Drop Curriculum Connections

Operation Water Drop Curriculum Connections

Curriculum connections for grades four to twelve all across Canada.
Alberta Grade Nine Science
Unit C: Environmental Chemistry (Social and Environmental Emphasis)
2: Identify processes for measuring the quantity of different substances in the environment and for monitoring air and water quality

Is Our Water Safe? What Should We Do If Our Water Is Not Safe? Problem-Based Learning Lesson

Is Our Water Safe? What Should We Do If Our Water Is Not Safe? Problem-Based Learning Lesson

1. Put the students into groups of 3-5. 2. Provide the students with the "Not In My Backyard?" handout. 3. Have the students define the problem and determine what they know about the problem, what they need to learn more about, and where they need to look to find information. 4. Groups conduct research, find information, and work towards deciding what they should do. The teacher acts as a metacognitive coach, serving as a model.

Operation Water Drop Taking It Further Problem-Based Learning Lesson

Operation Water Drop Taking It Further Problem-Based Learning Lesson

1. The first thing you are going to want to do with your Operation Water Drop kit is to use it. Test the water samples you have been given and your local drinking water (as well as three other water samples such as urban, rural and raw water, in the case of High School Operation Water Drop kits) with the kit’s contents. Record these test results. 

All Elementary Operation Water Drop Lessons in One PDF Document

All Elementary Operation Water Drop Lessons in One PDF Document

There are 8 tests to be run in this kit, teachers will demonstrate 2 different tests, and these tests are: Alkalinity and Sulphate. The students can do the other 6 tests with a minimal amount of help, these tests are: Ammonia, pH, Colour, Copper, Total Chlorine, and Total Hardness. 

Elementary Operation Water Drop Instructions (PowerPoint and Video Format)

Elementary Operation Water Drop Instructions (PowerPoint and Video Format)

Results:  Since there is no Canadian Drinking Water Guideline for Ammonia you will compare results to the European Union limit.  The standard should give a result very close to the 0.5 mg/L colour; if the colour is darker then it DOES NOT meet the guidelines.

What is Safe Drinking Water? (Elementary)

What is Safe Drinking Water? (Elementary)

Groundwater - found below the ground where it accumulated in between soil and rocks. The volume of water can range from small to very large similar to above ground creeks, rivers and lakes.

Testing the Water We Drink! (Elementary)

Testing the Water We Drink! (Elementary)

There are 8 tests to be run in this kit, teachers will demonstrate 2 different tests, and these tests are: Alkalinity and Sulphate. The students can do the other 6 tests with a minimal amount of help, these tests are: Ammonia, pH, Colour, Copper, Total Chlorine, and Total Hardness. 

Total Hardness Problem-Based Learning Set

Total Hardness Problem-Based Learning Set

In your city, the drinking water was being inspected. After thorough inspection of your city’s water supply, there was data collected on many different aspects of your water supply. As the health and safety inspector it is your job to look through this data and find anything that may be hazardous to the public.

Colour Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

Colour Analysis for Elementary Operation Water Drop

To determine if the water sample meets Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines for Colour. Testing will be done on Local community treated water. The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines has an aesthetic objective of 15 TCU (True Colour Units) for drinking water; you will test and compare your result to see if it meets these guidelines.