Elementary Operation Water Drop Student Evaluation

Name: __________________________

Knowledge of issue and depth of analysis.    /10
Sufficient information presented.     /10

Material is well-integrated.    /5
Original and creative.    /5
Effective selection of information.    /5
Ideas are relevant to topic.    /5

A/V resources supplement and enhance information.    /5
Delivered in a well-modulated & distinct voice.    /10
Inconspicuous use of notes and outlines.    /5
(Maintained eye contact with audience.)

Learning Skills - Organization
Well prepared to present.    /5
Information follows a logical sequence.    /5
Follows agenda and manages time well.    /5

Learning Skills - Teamwork
Group members are organized, prepared & cohesive.    /5
Clear introduction of topic(s) and activity.    /5
Active role taken by each group member.    /5
Time is well-managed.    /5
Able to handle questions, manage audience & initiate meaningful activity/discussion.    /5

Total (out of possible 100)    /100