supplement water

Trees need help after weeks with no rain and now 30 C temperatures

Trees need help after weeks with no rain and now 30 C temperatures

Sharp recommends a good soaking for larger trees about every 10 days to two weeks that reaches 20 to 25 centimetres into the root zone. Following Capital Regional District watering restriction guidelines, that’s about an hour using a sprinkler or soaker hose. Too much watering might cause root rot and fungus problems, said Sharp, who also recommends surrounding the trees with coarse mulch, such as wood chips, that shades the soil and slows evaporation. People can also help trees by avoiding compacting the soil around the base. “It’s really important to limit traffic around trees, like playgrounds and vehicles, because water just runs off and doesn’t get to the roots,” he said.

City of Iqaluit declares 2nd water emergency in 2 years

City of Iqaluit declares 2nd water emergency in 2 years

The city of Iqaluit has declared a water emergency, for the second time in two years. Lake Geraldine— the reservoir for the city's potable water— is at a "historic low." There is less water in Lake Geraldine now than there was when the city declared a water emergency in 2018.