intestinal parasite

Giardia found in pond at Pitt Meadows park

Giardia found in pond at Pitt Meadows park

This waterborne parasite, which is the most common intestinal parasite in Canada, can lead to some pretty nasty symptoms, including gas, diarrhea, dehydration, abdominal cramps, and nausea or vomiting. It is especially important to keep children away from the pond or to thoroughly wash their hands if they do come in contact with the water since children up to nine years old are most at risk of developing giardia symptoms, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Espanola residents asked to monitor for illness after drinking-water system issue

Espanola residents asked to monitor for illness after drinking-water system issue

A mechanical problem at the Town of Espanola's water treatment plant has created an exposure risk for cryptosporidium, an intestinal parasite that can cause gastrointestinal symptoms through a condition called cryptosporidiosis. The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA), which operates the plant, said it was beginning a root-cause analysis of the entire facility to figure out why the mechanical error occurred.