city's website

City of Charlottetown creates first natural asset inventory

City of Charlottetown creates first natural asset inventory

The City of Charlottetown has created its first ever natural asset inventory, part of a national movement to help municipalities better manage their natural areas and understand their value, including helping to deal with the impact of climate change. The inventory is available on the city's website, and includes forests, wetlands, grasslands, shrublands and water as well as agricultural land.

City of Regina says it plans to fast-track lead service replacement program

City of Regina says it plans to fast-track lead service replacement program

In light of a recent investigation that showed high levels of lead in the drinking water of some Regina homes, the city says it’s drafting a motion to fast-track its lead service connection replacement program. “It is definitely a problem and we are not minimizing anything here,” Mayor Michael Fougere said. “We want to make sure that we have the program accelerated so that [on] the city-side, our connections are done right away and at the same time we do the homeowners’ side as well.”