Have the students make a poster to raise awareness about the issue of sewage. Split them into groups of 2 or 3 and have them pick three pieces of information that really stood out for them and that they felt other people should be aware of.
Have the students make a poster to raise awareness about the issue of sewage. Split them into groups of 2 or 3 and have them pick three pieces of information that really stood out for them and that they felt other people should be aware of.
1. Why do the Hindu people bathe and sip the very polluted water of the Ganges River? 2. What percentage of Canadian coastal communities dump their sewage raw? 3. What is "reclaimed water"?
1. Why do the Hindu people bathe and sip the very polluted water of the Ganges River? It is sacred, to take away their sins. 2. What percentage of Canadian coastal communities dump their sewage raw? 80% 3. What is "reclaimed water"? Sewage that has gone through a treatment plant.