Do one of the smartest things you can do to make safe drinking water a reality for all Canadians - donate by February 28, 2025, to get a 2024 tax credit!

bottled water

What Is Safe Drinking Water? (Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12)

What Is Safe Drinking Water? (Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12)

The following questions should be addressed and answered within the lesson: Where does our drinking water supply come from? (Groundwater or Surface Water) Why is it important to treat drinking water? What impurities or contaminants may be found in our drinking water? What are the effects of poor water quality on human health? How can our water be made safe to drink? What is the difference between rural and urban drinking water? What is the difference between Canadian drinking water guidelines and the regulations for Drinking Water in Europe and USA?

Who Is Responsible For Our Drinking Water? (Grades 6-12)

Who Is Responsible For Our Drinking Water? (Grades 6-12)

The students will contemplate the implications of the reality of scarce resources for society. They will determine whether there is a hierarchy of needs as well as who should be responsible for ensuring that particular needs are met (ie. the government, private companies, the public).