
All High School Operation Water Drop Lessons in One PDF Document

All High School Operation Water Drop Lessons in One PDF Document

To allow students to run tests on five different sources of water. Students are expected to collect three samples of water: Urban and Rural (includes Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities) treated waters, and a Raw Source Water. 

High School Operation Water Drop Data Sheet

High School Operation Water Drop Data Sheet

Students enter their test results for the five water samples. Students enter their results for alkalinity, ammonia, arsenic, colour analysis, copper, iron, manganese, nitrate, pH, sulphate, total chlorine and total hardness.

Colour Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Colour Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

The Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines has an aesthetic objective of 15 TCU (True Colour Units) for drinking water; you will see and compare the different water sources. The 15 TCU (True Colour Units) is the concentration of the Canadian Guideline sample.

Iron Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

Iron Analysis for High School Operation Water Drop

The direct health implications of iron are very limited, there are however indirect problems some of which are: colour, which comes from iron in a particulate form which is too small to filter so you get “coloured water”, iron bacteria, this is when bacteria and iron form a slime which can lead to poor pipe flow, this can occur when the iron concentration exceeds 0.3 mg/L, the Canadian Drinking Water Guideline (CGLS). 

All High School Operation Water Drop Lessons (Simplified and with Explanations of Why Each Component is Important) with QR Codes for the PowerPoint Instructions and Video for Each Test

All High School Operation Water Drop Lessons (Simplified and with Explanations of Why Each Component is Important) with QR Codes for the PowerPoint Instructions and Video for Each Test

Simplified instructions, with information about why each component is important, and QR codes for all the PowerPoint instructions and videos - so your students can scan the QR codes with their smartphones! You might want to print this document double-sided, then you just have one sheet for each test!