water heater

Ontario family pays more than $4,000 renting water heater for 28 years

Ontario family pays more than $4,000 renting water heater for 28 years

Ontario is one of the few provinces in Canada where millions of residents rent rather then own their water heaters. While renting may come with peace of mind if you have a break down or require servicing, over time, the rental costs can add up and they are generally a reliable appliance that typically lasts 15 years or longer without many issues. “The thing about a rental is they just keep going and going and going.” said Gary Burger of New Lowell, west of Barrie, Ont.

'It just looks horrible': Black Tickle man wants cleaner, clearer water

'It just looks horrible': Black Tickle man wants cleaner, clearer water

It stains laundry, corrodes pipes and looks terrible. The water that people in Black Tickle use for bathing and doing laundry is treated with chlorine but it remains dark and muddy because of high iron content. "It's almost like either coffee or Coke," resident Sheldon Morris said, "and it stains everything, and that's the worst."