upgrades to drinking water and wastewater systems

Residents of Saskatoon area to benefit from upgrades to water, wastewater and solid waste infrastructure, and other community and green infrastructure projects

Residents of Saskatoon area to benefit from upgrades to water, wastewater and solid waste infrastructure, and other community and green infrastructure projects

Today, the Honourable Jim Carr, the Government of Canada's Special Representative for the Prairies, on behalf of the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, the Honourable Don McMorris, Saskatchewan's Minister of Government Relations, and His Worship Charlie Clark, Mayor of the City of Saskatoon, announced more than $102 million in joint funding for 11 green infrastructure and COVID-19 resilience projects. The green infrastructure projects include upgrades to drinking water and wastewater systems, improvements to solid waste management, sidewalk expansion, and a new solar power plant. Several of those projects will help provide long-term reliable services to local communities while also contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.