lack of moisture

Salmon struggle to spawn amid record-setting drought, with hundreds dead in B.C.

Salmon struggle to spawn amid record-setting drought, with hundreds dead in B.C.

After three parched months, much of B.C. is experiencing drought and ongoing hot weather has left streams running dry, leaving no way for some salmon to return to their spawning grounds, killing hundreds in a mass die-off on the province's central coast. The situation has scientists and salmon watchers concerned. The Pacific Salmon Commission initially projected a return of 9.8 million fish to the Fraser River this year. By August, predictions were reduced to 5.5 million. This was readjusted again, on Sept. 28, to 6.8 million. There were record-low rainfalls in September, and dry weather and heat has continued into October, a month known for rain. For some migrating salmon, that lack of moisture is proving deadly.