
TikTok video sparks discussion on dry skin solutions for Alberta newcomers

TikTok video sparks discussion on dry skin solutions for Alberta newcomers

Southern Alberta has seen some of the most exceptional drought in the country over the last few months — so it's no surprise that these conditions can possibly lead to dry and sensitive skin. This is especially so for newcomers to the province, like University of Calgary graduate Elisha Banerjee. "I was used to the cold, that was the part that was easy, it was the dry that I was not prepared for," she said.

What people should be aware of when using a humidifier

What people should be aware of when using a humidifier

Humidifiers are designed to help you breathe better, but depending on the type you have and the water you use, it might also be affecting your air quality at home. "It's not that I am saying humidifiers (are) completely bad for people. It's just we should be aware that the water quality we put into the humidifier is directly reflecting the quality of the indoor air you're breathing," said Ran Zhao, an assistant professor of Environment Chemistry at University of Alberta.