fecal matter

Canada dumps billions of litres of raw sewage into natural waterways annually. How can we stop?

Canada dumps billions of litres of raw sewage into natural waterways annually. How can we stop?

Last summer, three Metro Vancouver beaches were closed to swimmers after high levels of E. coli were detected in the water. And this is a pretty common occurrence. Almost every year, beaches, lakes, and other water bodies are closed to swimming across Canada because there is fecal matter mixed into the water. Our poop! So how did that poop get there? Well, it's because of something called the combined sewer and stormwater system.

Washrooms open but water still off limits at Ottawa's beaches

Washrooms open but water still off limits at Ottawa's beaches

Public washrooms are open at five Ottawa beaches, but don't take that as a sign it's safe to go back in the water. "The water is not open," said Mayor Jim Watson during a teleconference Wednesday. "We're not testing it and there are no lifeguards." Seasonal washrooms are open at Britannia Park, Andrew Haydon Park, Westboro Beach, Mooney's Bay Beach and Petrie Island Beaches, the city said.