ecological benchmarks

Is Wood Buffalo National Park 'in danger'? UNESCO investigators are in Canada to find out

Is Wood Buffalo National Park 'in danger'? UNESCO investigators are in Canada to find out

A United Nations body that monitors some of the world's greatest natural glories is in Canada again to assess government responses to ongoing threats to the country's largest national park, including plans to release treated oilsands tailings into its watershed. In a series of meetings beginning Thursday, UNESCO investigators are to determine whether Wood Buffalo National Park should be on the list of World Heritage Sites In Danger— a move the agency has already deemed "likely."

UNESCO says industry, poor governance 'likely' endanger Alberta's Wood Buffalo National Park

UNESCO says industry, poor governance 'likely' endanger Alberta's Wood Buffalo National Park

Canada's largest national park is now so threatened by upstream development and divided governance that it likely meets the criteria to be placed on the list of World Heritage sites in danger. UNESCO released the draft finding on Alberta's Wood Buffalo National Park this week. The agency has been concerned about the park— the world's second-largest freshwater delta — since 2017, when it found 15 of 17 of the parks' ecological benchmarks were deteriorating.