divisive issue

What's Up With Water – August 30, 2021

What's Up With Water – August 30, 2021

In Canada, nuclear industry officials are surveying an area near Lake Huron as a potential underground storage site for nuclear waste. The rural town of Teeswater, Ontario, could become the home of Canada’s first repository for spent nuclear fuel. The CBC reports that industry officials have begun drilling more than a half mile below the town, to understand how water moves deep underground. The potential storage site would be carved from bedrock at those depths. The project is projected to cost $23 billion and to take 40 years to complete. It has become a divisive issue in Teeswater. Some argue the project provides a safe place to store nuclear waste, while others say the area’s proximity to Lake Huron makes it too risky. Teeswater is one of two sites under consideration. The other is in northern Ontario.