
Residents, councillors concerned about climate in wake of flash floods

Residents, councillors concerned about climate in wake of flash floods

About 77 millimetres of rain fell on Ottawa in a matter of hours, according to Environment Canada. That's more than any other Aug. 10 on record, but surrounding regions saw even more, receiving between 80 and 110 millimetres. At the storm's peak, Hydro Ottawa reported 24,000 customers without power. Mycah Katz was practicing a drag performance in the basement lounge of his condo building when the power cut out.

Hidden Beneath the Surface

Hidden Beneath the Surface

In just seven decades, the scientists say, humans have brought about greater changes than they did in more than seven millennia. Never in Earth’s history has the world changed this much, this fast. Never has a single species had the capacity to wreak so much damage — or the chance to prevent so much harm. “It’s a line in the sand,” said Francine McCarthy, a professor of Earth sciences at Brock University in Ontario, who has led research on Crawford Lake. “The Earth itself is playing by a different rule book. And it’s because of us.”

Antarctic Ocean Currents Headed For Collapse, Driving 'mass Slowdown' In Water Circulation

Antarctic Ocean Currents Headed For Collapse, Driving 'mass Slowdown' In Water Circulation

The rapid melting of Antarctic ice poses a threat to halt deep ocean currents, which would have a negative impact on the climate, the movement of fresh water and oxygen, as well as nutrients necessary for life, for centuries, as per claims from the scientific community, reported by DW. Deep ocean currents surrounding Antarctica may slow by more than 40% over the course of the next 30 years, according to a recent study that was published in the journal Nature on Wednesday. According to the study, in a high-emission scenario, the "overturning circulation" of the ocean's deep waters will reduce by 40% by 2050, with consequences lasting "for generations to come."

Windsor city council to discuss Capital Power proposal for 2 natural gas turbines

Windsor city council to discuss Capital Power proposal for 2 natural gas turbines

Shukin said power lines "can only carry a certain amount of power" and the IESO giving the green light on the turbines means the lines had room to transmit more power. He said Capital Power has done studies on "noise, air quality, storm-water management, natural environment, heritage, and socio-economic factors." Shukin said the company is "committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2045" and the turbines, which can be partially powered by hydrogen, support that objective. 

Federal promises to expand the protection of land and water are empty without budget commitments

Federal promises to expand the protection of land and water are empty without budget commitments

The federal government is hard at work finalizing a budget that will underwrite our path forward out of the pandemic as a country. That's why 50 women leaders from diverse regions and sectors, and across Indigenous, Black, racialized and LGBTQ2IS+ communities, are writing to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland this week to remind her that nature's recovery is essential to our own.