
Moths are the new tool to protect Canada’s wetlands

Moths are the new tool to protect Canada’s wetlands

Phragmites, Phragmites australis, also known as European common reed, is an invasive perennial grass that spreads quickly and out-competes native species for water, sunlight and nutrients. It releases toxins from its roots into the soil to further hinder the growth of and kill surrounding plants, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and habitat. There is no single method that is a ‘quick fix’ to manage phragmites. Instead, a continuous, multi-method approach is required for success and long-term results. Current removal methods include herbicides, prescribed fire, cutting underwater, flooding and physical removal.

Turning waste PPE into water and vinegar

Turning waste PPE into water and vinegar

A process to convert PPE waste into harmless byproducts is a potential gamechanger to the problem of PPE waste filling landfills and polluting oceans and rivers. Shredded masks, gowns, gloves and plastic safety glasses go into a machine; hot, pressurised water and compressed air are applied; water and acetic acid are the end-products. The PPE-to-liquid process is carried out at a temperature of 300°C and takes about an hour in a small prototype machine in a laboratory in the faculty. Gaseous by-products from the process are oxygen and low concentrations of carbon dioxide which can be safely discharged. “This is a clean, chemical-free solution which will be a game changer internationally,” says Dr Saied Baroutian, an associate professor in the faculty’s Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering.