broken pipes

26% of Hamilton drinking water doesn't make it to taps. Here's what the city is doing

26% of Hamilton drinking water doesn't make it to taps. Here's what the city is doing

The city has a new plan to detect water leaks faster, after the revelation that a quarter of its fresh drinking water never makes it to Hamilton homes. Twenty-six per cent of the treated water destined for local taps, or 19.916 megalitres per year, escapes through broken and leaky pipes, says Dave Alberton, Hamilton's manager of water distribution. That's higher than the provincial average of 15 per cent, he said, and it's expensive and bad for the environment.

RCCAO urges feds to establish fund to fix water infrastructure

RCCAO urges feds to establish fund to fix water infrastructure

The RCCAO is calling on the federal government to establish a municipal water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure fund that would provide money to municipalities to repair systems, saving municipalities significant amounts of money. Across Ontario, there are sections of underground infrastructure that are well past their useful life and pipes in many municipalities are deteriorating which can lead to drinking water contamination, sewage backups and increased flooding.