
Botwood's brown, dirty tapwater problem could take years to fix

Botwood's brown, dirty tapwater problem could take years to fix

Every morning, Sherri Anderson, checks the tapwater in her Botwood home to see if it's clear. More often than not, she says, it isn't. "When it's not, my husband runs the hose outside and lets the water run for hours, sometimes more than a day, until the water is clear," she told CBC News in a recent interview. Those were the instructions she received from the town council.

Are water softeners worth it?

Are water softeners worth it?

Anyone who has stood fully dressed in the shower, scrubbing away annoying calcium build up, knows Calgary has hard water. The high concentration of minerals in the water is also responsible for spotty dishes, stiff laundry, icky soap scum and eroded tea kettles, not to mention dry skin and limp hair. Luckily, hard water isn’t unhealthy, but it can be a drain on the pocketbook.