Ten of the largest upcoming water treatment construction projects: New South Niagara Falls Wastewater Treatment Plant, Northern Pulp Nova Scotia - Mill Transformation Project, Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Maintain (DBFOM) - River Road WPCF Upgrades, Whitby Water Supply Plant Expansion Project - Contract 4 - Plant Expansion, Northeast Vaughan Wastewater Servicing Project, Longueuil Drinking Water Production Plant Reconstructuion, Biosolids Construction - Kelowna BC
Cleanup, revitalization coming to Whitby, Ont. waterfront
Environmental studies have been taking place at Pringle Creek over the past two decades to determine the extend and risks of chemical contamination to the Whitby, Ont., waterfront. Leanne Lumb-Collett, environmental program manager for the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), said the source of contamination has been traced to a building adjacent from Pringle Creek, and started decades ago.