St. James Anglican Church

Bridgetown church loses appeal of water bill, but donations have been pouring in

Bridgetown church loses appeal of water bill, but donations have been pouring in

The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board has denied an appeal from a Bridgetown church that received a hefty water bill from the Municipality of the County of Annapolis following a burst pipe that went undetected. St. James Anglican Church received a water bill of $5,485 this spring after a pipe burst while the church was shut down in the winter due to COVID-19.

Bridgetown church that was closed due to COVID-19 facing $5,485 water bill

Bridgetown church that was closed due to COVID-19 facing $5,485 water bill

It came as a major shock when the executive of St. James Anglican Church in Bridgetown, N.S., got their most recent water and sewer bill from the Municipality of Annapolis. The three-month bill came to a whopping $5,485.31. The church was closed due to COVID-19 from Dec. 21 until early February, according to David Skidmore, the chair of the church's property committee. During that time, a pipe froze and broke, leaking water into the basement.