Montgomery Place neighbourhood

Saskatoon residents still cleaning up after sewage water backed up in their homes

Saskatoon residents still cleaning up after sewage water backed up in their homes

Penny Fentiman is one of several Saskatoon homeowners in the middle of a major cleanup after houses in the Montgomery Place neighbourhood were recently hit with a deluge of backed-up wastewater. Sewage water first seeped into Fentiman's home Friday morning and then again shortly before midnight. It's the second time wastewater has flooded her home on the 3400 block of 11th Street in the past five years. The City of Saskatoon said the latest incident was due to a pair of sewer blockages, which forced them to shut off water to homes in the area. The issues have since been resolved and the water turned back on — but Fentiman is concerned it's a Band-Aid solution and that it could be several years before the city implements a long-term solution.