
Bedford, N.S. woman’s water purification system to launch pilot project in Africa

Bedford, N.S. woman’s water purification system to launch pilot project in Africa

A new Halifax-based organization has developed a cost-effective water purification system and will be launching a pilot project in the Gambia and Kenya. Founded by 20-year-old Rachel Brouwer, The Purification Project will bring water purification systems to vulnerable Kenyan and Gambian communities living without access to safe water. When Brouwer was 11 years old, she realized not everyone in the world had access to clean drinking water after reading a sign on a hiking trip that read, “Caution, do not drink. The water source is contaminated.”

Canada backs global plastics treaty at UN assembly

Canada backs global plastics treaty at UN assembly

Canada is throwing its support behind a push for a global treaty that could do for plastic pollution what the Paris agreement is slowly doing for greenhouse gas emissions. A resolution is set to be voted on Wednesday at the United Nations Environment Assembly meeting in Kenya, calling for a legally binding agreement to cut plastic waste by curbing demand and improving both the reuse and recycling of plastics. The resolution is intended to kick-start a wider negotiation to develop a treaty that addresses plastic pollution from production and design right through to waste management. The hope is that it will be ready for signatures the next time UNEA meets in 2024.