St. Louis Living Arts School earns EcoSchools Canada Gold Certification

St. Louis Living Arts School earns EcoSchools Canada Gold Certification

The EcoSchools Canada Gold Certification has been bestowed upon St. Louis Living Arts School. The school earned the certification by working on a wide range of initiatives, designed to bring education and awareness to the school community. Each grade led an assembly about a different aspect of reducing your carbon footprint. Grade 1/2 explored tree watering and planting. Grade 3 students led an assembly about “GOOS” paper – good on one side. They learned about best practices for reducing paper waste and put an action plan to reduce the amount of paper used in the school. Grade 4 students led “the Great Gulp” or “La Grande Gorgée”, a bilingual campaign on water conservation. Grade 5 students explored Energy Conservation. Grade 6 students participated in Young Reporters for the Environment.