
Municipality of Victoria County residents facing water rate hikes

Municipality of Victoria County residents facing water rate hikes

Residents serviced by the Municipality of Victoria County's water utility will likely see an increase in their water rates over the next two years following a decision by Nova Scotia's utility regulator. However, the amount that rates will jump is still uncertain, as the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board wants the municipality to submit a new rate study after the board took measures to insulate customers against significant rate hikes this year.

Hundreds of striped bass wash up dead in northern Cape Breton

Hundreds of striped bass wash up dead in northern Cape Breton

University biologists say striped bass that recently washed ashore in northern Cape Breton probably died from a sudden temperature change in the ocean. A video posted to the Port Morien Wildlife Association's Facebook page on Monday shows what looks like hundreds of dead fish in North Bay, near Dingwall, N.S. Trevor Avery, a biology professor and lead researcher with the Striped Bass Research Team at Acadia University in Wolfville, N.S., said he doesn't know for sure what happened.