Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands will consider proceeding with an amendment to increase the Permit to Take Water (PTTW) for the Lansdowne water system with the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. And they’ll consider proceeding with a hydrogeological study to determine that suitable groundwater exists to accommodate future growth. The Committee of the Whole has recommended that council allocate a budget of up to $180,000 from the Water Reserve Fund to fund the hydrogeological study.
Durham Region Committee makes recommendations on controversial sewer line maintenance policy
Durham Region’s Committee of the Whole is in favour of repealing a controversial series of amendments that change how the region maintains and repairs the sewer pipes outside your home. In recent weeks, homeowners received letters in the mail, advertising a private insurance program for sewer pipes. The program was endorsed by the region, and the letters featured the region’s logo. The committee voted Wednesday to recommend undoing some of the changes, citing complaints and concerns by community members.